Uya Kena Batunya
Pernah ada acara yang begitu populer di tv nasional, namanya "Uya Emang Kuya". Uya (selaku host) menghipnotis 'orang asing' (maksudnya seolah gak saling mengenal dengan Si Uya), biasanya orang yang lagi pacaran (atau yang keliatannya sedang pacaran) kemudian disusul dengan menginterogasi mereka (tentang percintaan mereka).
The event itself was actually quite funny and entertaining. Unfortunately there are some people who againts it because mostly this show did body shaming, also some believe that "Uya Emang Kuya" already being set with a specific scenario with those amateur actors being paid. One interesting thing is how Uya puts his victim into sleeping state. He lights a fire before the victim's face and giving an instruction: "If you see the fire, you go sleep", now he's the one who sleeps.
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