Penindas Pensil
Penggambar post-profesional sekaligus pengayom ayam. Gambarnya tersebar di berbagai kertas dan buku catatan mata pelajaran semenjak SD, beberapa di antaranya bahkan telah terbit di...hatimu.
Istilah "Mabuk Perjalanan" bila diterjemahkan secara mentah ya beginilah jadinya. In Indonesia, we call motion sickness as ...
This is the new version of this Gapatar sketch I did few weeks ago. This is the 2nd posting on my blog where I used crayon. The rooster n...
Sedang berjuang membaca bukunya Foucault baik yang bahasa linggis maupun lewat calonya. Jika dia hidup sekarang aku yakin dia akan mela...
These are the translate: Lion vs Zebra Cartoon. Zebra : I didn't know you ate grass. Lion : Says who... This is the ori...
Kartun ini dibuat sudah cukup lama. Sewaktu berita kedua tokoh yang dinukil di atas (Kak Seto dan Syekh Puji) masih hangat-hangatnya sekit...
Osamu Tezuka is one of my favourite mangaka ever. I know that this drawing is not the best ever. I did this in order to honour him. ...
Still one of my earlier digital drawing using Ms Paint with Windows 98 between 2001-2003. Probably 2002. The original file was missing...
Jenis Kelamin
- Animal 23
- Animated 14
- BadAss 13
- BBKU 56
- Caricature 22
- Cartoons 128
- Color Pencil 4
- Comics 106
- Concept 5
- Covid-19 1
- Crayon 2
- Drawing Pen 9
- Educate Me 11
- exhibition 1
- Fan Art 20
- Fantasy 11
- Festive 7
- Gore 21
- Horror 9
- HtGOoTFZ 6
- Iklanesia 16
- Illustration 17
- Infografis 1
- Left Hand Drawing 1
- Literally 6
- LUBY 2
- LUY 4
- meme 1
- Ms Paint 6
- No Words 14
- NSFW 13
- Politetician 8
- Popular Cult 49
- Poster 3
- Poster Color 1
- SAD 3
- SianidaMan 3
- Sketch 7
- Sotosop 21
- Sports 10
- Such Hero 32
- The Legends of 6
- Too Lonely 18
- UltraMyMan 2
- Vectorized 4
- Watde! 29
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