The Queen Bee

This drawing called "Sang Ratu Lebah" or "The Queen Bee". No it's not inspired by a song with the same title. I worked on it back in March, 2010. It was a task from Graphic Illustration subject, one of subject in ISI Yogyakarta (Institute of Art of Yogyakarta).

honey bathing

Unfortunately, this work art was collected by the lecturer, as an example for the new class participants (well, i am proud of it). The briefing was to draw a fantasy interaction between human and animal. And I came up with an idea of the queen of bees. The queen was not a bee but a gorgeous woman and this woman who became the queen was bathing in a tub of honey,where the worker bees pouring honey from the some kind leaf containers and they're all standing in line. With some other bees work as servants, prepared a few pieces of flower petals as the dessert for their queen. and a bee would prepare his queen's clothes.


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